
Who We Are

Shine & Glow Group

Leading trading companies of India

We are a leading trading company based in India, specializing in the buying of stock lot, excess lot, waste material, and end material from across the world. Our focus on waste management allows us to offer a solution for manufacturing companies looking to reduce their waste and save costs.

At the same time, our work helps to promote environmental sustainability by finding new applications for these materials and selling them to Asian countries. Our unique approach not only benefits the manufacturers by providing them with better prices for their waste materials, but also helps our buyers to access quality materials at a lower cost.

We take pride in our commitment to responsible waste management and believe that by working together, we can create a more sustainable and economically viable future. Join us in our mission to make a positive impact on the world, one material at a time."

Our History

The Story of Our Success

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Our Network

"We boast a broad and expanding network that spans across Europe, the USA, South Korea, Southeast Asia, the UAE, and India, among others. Our extensive reach enables us to access and distribute a diverse range of materials to meet the needs of our customers. With a presence in multiple regions, we are able to form strong relationships with suppliers and buyers to provide a complete solution for all your needs. Our growing network is a testament to our dedication to the success of our business."

Our values

Sustainability: We believe in protecting the environment and promoting sustainability through responsible waste management practices.
Innovation: We strive to find new and innovative solutions for waste management to continuously improve our processes and impact.
Customer Focus: We are dedicated to providing our customers with efficient, cost-effective, and high-quality services.
Teamwork: We value collaboration and teamwork to achieve our common goals and make a positive impact on the world.
Integrity: We conduct our business with honesty and transparency, building trust with our customers, employees, and stakeholders.
Continuous Improvement: We believe in continuous improvement, constantly seeking new ways to optimize our processes and impact.
Community Engagement:We are committed to being a positive force in the communities we serve, fostering relationships and creating a better future for all.


"Our vision is to lead the way in creating innovative solutions for waste materials. By identifying and realizing the best applications for these materials, we strive to make a positive impact on the environment while promoting economic viability."


"Our mission is to promote environmental sustainability and protect our planet by finding new and innovative uses for waste materials. We believe that by reimagining waste as a valuable resource, we can not only reduce environmental impact, but also create a more economically viable future."


Our purpose is to create a cleaner and more sustainable world by maximizing the value of waste materials through innovative recycling solutions. We strive to provide our customers with efficient and cost-effective services while minimizing our environmental impact. Our commitment to excellence in waste management drives us to continuously improve and evolve our processes, making a positive impact on the communities we serve.


"Our services are designed to meet the unique needs of our clients, offering 24 x 7 support and personalized solutions. Our knowledgeable and helpful team is dedicated to finding the right solutions to meet our clients' needs, leveraging our expertise and commitment to innovation. We believe in creating win-win opportunities and strive to provide the best possible customer experience through expert sales and documentation support. At Shine and Glow Group, we are committed to delivering the right solutions, with a focus on quality and efficiency".